Shared Traits of Olympians and Franchisees

Watching the Olympics this year has really got us thinking about how people become great at what they do.
We strongly believe grit and determination are the key to franchisee success (and Olympian success). Whether you’re a top athlete or an aspiring entrepreneur. Although the arenas may seem very different, Olympians and franchisees share remarkable similarities in the way these traits shape their lives. Both require a relentless pursuit of excellence, the ability to overcome challenges, and a commitment to long-term goals.
If you’ve been watching the Olympics, you’ve surely noticed the stories they share about the athletes, and how they overcame adversity to get where they are. How they very often give up everything to pursue their dream of winning a gold medal.
In our experience with hundreds of franchisees and hundreds more franchisors, we’ve found the case is similar for those entrepreneurs who are the most successful as business owners. They possess an unmatched level of grit and determination to meet their goals and win a gold medal in franchising. Check out some of our recent franchisee success stories with our franchisee celebration videos.
The Pursuit of Excellence
Olympians dedicate years of their lives to perfecting their sport, often starting from a young age. They endure rigorous training, adhere to strict schedules, and constantly push their limits to reach the pinnacle of their field. This pursuit of excellence is mirrored in franchisees, who must constantly strive to uphold the standards of their brand while managing and growing their businesses. Both Olympians and franchisees understand that maintaining high standards is essential to achieving success.
Overcoming Challenges
The path to Olympic glory is full of obstacles, injuries, intense competition, and pressure. Franchisees face numerous challenges on their journeys as well, such as market competition, economic fluctuations, and the responsibility of managing a team. Both groups demonstrate grit by persevering through setbacks, learning from failures, and remaining focused on their objectives. This resilience is a key component of their success.
Commitment to Long-Term Goals
Olympians often have to wait four years between opportunities to compete on the world stage, requiring immense patience and dedication. This long-term commitment is paralleled by franchisees, who invest significant time and resources into building their businesses, understanding that success may not come overnight. Both understand the importance of setting long-term goals and working diligently towards them, maintaining motivation even when immediate results are not visible.
In our experience, the one thing you need to succeed at almost anything you want to do in life is grit and determination. People often believe money (or lack of it) is what is holding them back from their dream. They let money determine whether they chase their dream or not. But the money really doesn’t matter. It’s your determination to get the money you need to make your dream happen, that matters.
In Olympic stories you almost never hear about how much money they’ve spent on perfecting their abilities, or how much money they or their families have given up to have the time to perfect their abilities. Just like in business, when you hear success stories, all the struggles that led up to that success are rarely highlighted.
So, our advice: Go for the gold in whatever you want to do. Don’t let money or financial implications be an excuse to hold you back. Use your grit and determination to build your dream.
You can do it. (PS. We’re here to help if you want us to!)